Day 8 Time to go home

All in all it was a very enjoyable 8 Days. I am so grateful that I am able to do something like this.

I met a number of interesting people and had long, sometimes philosophical, chats with them. Most were positive, but I spoke my mind to a couple. The places where I / we stayed were very different and interesting as well. Ranging from the Sardine can beds in the Grindelwald Hostel to a luxurious Bed and Breakfast with views of the Matterhorn from the bed.

The trip home started with a short walk down to the church in Törbel to catch the bus to Stalden-Saas Station. We had a short stop in Visp where we caught the train to Bern. In Bern we had the opportunity to have a very nice lunch at a vegetarian restaurant next to the station. The train to Frankfurt was a little delayed but we made our connection to home. We arrived very relaxed at home.

It is so different from the normal car drive holiday. We were able to have a just as enjoyable holiday without a car. Yes we had some challenges with delays and train cancellations but these did not have any real impact on the holiday.






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