Day 1 Andermatt to Meiringen

I had a good night in the hostel. I was the only person in an 11 bed room. After an early breakfast I started on the descent down to Andermatt then to Göschenen it was mainly on broad paths and roads. At Göschenen the mountain bike route ran next to the train line and river with some quite challenging sections and a number of places were I had to push or carry my bike. The whole way had spectacular views of the river and gorges. Once I reached Wassen the real climb started the ascent was about 1200 meters in the 30 kilometre’s . The last 10 kilometre’s was extremely steep and it started to drizzle so I had to push most of it. Even though it was very hard the views where tremendous. It was very pleasing to watch the river in the valley quickly get smaller and smaller. The restaurant at the top was a very pleasant site. I had lunch with a bike packer that had been on the road for 44 days and was on the way back to Freiburg.

From the top of Susten pass it was a long descent on a mixture of road and single trail. They both „serpentined“ there way down (over 1300m). The single trail sections were very steep.

I made a short 5km diversion to the Stein Glacier. Unfortunately it was shy today and hid in the mist so I could only see the area where it had retreated.

I arrived at about 16.30 at my hostel for the night after a short 200m climb followed by another steep single trail decent. I think I will sleep like the dead tonight.






One response to “Day 1 Andermatt to Meiringen”

  1. Irene Rupp avatar
    Irene Rupp

    Beautiful video of the scenery. Quite scary to be on the road. Luckily seemed not too much traffic.

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